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for Ab3d.PowerToys
The ultimate .Net 3D toolkit to create amazing 3D content with the easiest to use 3D API and many code samples. The library provides easy to use cameras, mouse and touch camera controls and event handling on 3D objects. It includes many 3D objects, various 3D lines, 3D text, import and export from and to various 3D files, adds many other features needed for a professional 3D application. (Windows only) Ab3d.PowerToys is an ultimate WPF and WinForms 3D toolkit library that greatly simplifies developing desktop applications with scientific, technical, CAD or other 3D graphics. The library has been proven in many professional applications. Based on great user feedback it evolved into the ultimate collection of helper classes and tools that are needed for a 3D application. The samples that come with the library provide many building blocks that you can be simply copy and include into your application. The Ab3d.PowerToys is using WPF 3D rendering engine that is based on DirectX 9. This provides decent hardware acceleration and can render many 3D scenes. But when the 3D scene is more complex, then it is possible to use a super fast DirectX 11 rendering engine - Ab3d.DXEngine. What is more, an existing application that is using Ab3d.PowerToys library can be upgraded to the Ab3d.DXEngine with DirectX 11 rendering engine in a few minutes.
The main features of the library are: The easiest to use 3D API with many great code samples in C# Cameras (TargetPositionCamera, FreeCamera, FirstPersonCamera, ThirdPersonCamera, etc.) Camera Controllers (MouseCameraController, CameraControlPanel, CameraNavigationCircles) 3D Models and Visuals (Sphere, Box, Cylinder, etc.) Generate extruded or lathe 3D objects Use Boolean operations on 3D objects or slice them with a 3D plane 3D Lines (the fastest implementation for connected, disconnected and lines with arrows) 3D Text Event Manager 3D (simplified event handling on 3D objects) Many helper classes to ease work with WPF 3D Support for touch and multi-touch to rotate, move and zoom the camera Import 3D models from obj files (integrated in Ab3d.PowerToys) or almost all other 3D files with Assimp importer (see below) Play keyframe and skeletal animations from many 3D files with Assimp importer Export 3D models to many file types files (using Assimp exporter) Fully optimized to achieve best possible performance When faster rendering is required, it is very easy to switch to DirectX 11 rendering with Ab3d.DXEngine Premium support for all questions regarding WPF 3D and our libraries
3D objects can be imported with assimp importer from the following file formats: .3d, .3ds, .3mf, .ac, .ac3d, .acc, .amf, .ase, .ask, .assbin, .b3d, .blend, .bvh, .cob, .csm, .dae, .dxf, .enff, .fbx, .glb, .gltf, .hmp, .ifc, .ifczip, .irr, .irrmesh, .lwo, .lws, .lxo, .md2, .md3, .md5anim, .md5camera, .md5mesh, .mdc, .mdl, .mesh, .mesh.xml, .mot, .ms3d, .ndo, .nff, .obj, .off, .ogex, .pk3, .ply, .pmx, .prj, .q3o, .q3s, .raw, .scn, .sib, .smd, .stl, .stp, .ter, .uc, .vta, .x, .x3d, .x3db, .xgl, .xml, .zgl
It is possible to export the 3D objects into the following file formats: dae, x, stp, obj, obj, stl, stl, ply, ply, 3ds, gltf, glb, gltf, glb, assbin, assxml, x3d, fbx, fbx, 3mf. files