What's in store for UltraEdit and more in 2019 (¿µ¹®)
2019/01/11 (10:13)
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UltraEdit UEStudio UltraCompare UltraFinder UltraFTP
Seeing the invisible...
A look ahead at what we're cooking up for your IDM apps in 2019
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Bring in the new. Read below to see what's in store for IDM products in 2019.
Ben Schwenk, Product Manager Coming in UltraEdit v26: Command palette, hints bar, more...
Our engineering team is hard at work on the next version of UltraEdit! We have a few big new features planned for v26...
Command palette
The command palette puts all the functionality and configurability of UltraEdit directly at your fingertips. Open it up, then begin typing to filter commands and settings. For example, type "HTML" and see all HTML-related functions and settings. This is a great way to discover new functionality in UltraEdit! The IDM-flavored command palette will also include a command history and favorites so you can easily access the functionality you love the most.
screenshot of command palette in UltraEdit v26
Hints bar
The new hints bar provides yet another way for you to discover and leverage the power of UltraEdit. As you interact with the editor, UltraEdit will offer a small, unobtrusive hint to help you get the most out of it. For example, if you open a JSON file, the editor might point out how to reformat and compress the JSON data. You can rotate through the various hints to learn more about some of the less-apparent functionality in UltraEdit.

The real power of the v26 series is under the hood...
We're also making some big improvements to UltraEdit's edit control engine, starting with a huge update to the Perl regular expression library, interface updates and improvements, and a vast expansion of UltraEdit's file handling capabilities via multiple editing segments, or "multi-seg" for short. Multi-seg will expand UltraEdit's data handling capabilities for things like code folding beyond current limits and provide an interface for some exciting functionality in the future that is unparalleled in the industry!
Coming in UEStudio & UltraCompare: Deeper Git integration

Git logo
We're revisiting the popular Git integration in UEStudio and UltraCompare for coming releases in 2019.

Several enhancements are tentatively planned for Git in UEStudio, including support for recursive repositories and the ability to launch a compare of any branch / commit with any other branch / commit.

UltraCompare is slated to receive better integration as Git difftool / mergetool with a truly Git-flavored compare session for merging local and remote to a common ancestor.
Coming in UltraFinder: a UI overhaul and enhancements
UltraFinder box Our UltraFinder developers are waist-deep in a UI overhaul right now. And we think you're going to like the results.

The new UltraFinder will look just like other IDM applications with themes, ribbon interface, and docking windows. But that's not all – expect to see improved functionality for the results area, Windows explorer integration, session support, and more!
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The world's best text editing solution!
IDM Computer Solutions, Inc.
Ph: 513-892-8600 (orders only) | Fax: 513-892-4915
www.ultraedit.com | info/support: support@ultraedit.com

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